Teams arrived from the Prince of Wales Royal Regiment, the Royal Signals, Royal Engineers, the Regimental Core Engagement Team and the 167 Catering Regiment. They gave presentations to students from different sections of the College including our Apprenticeship Company, University Centre and from a variety of vocational areas such as Motor Vehicle, Public Services and much more.

Warrant Officer Dave Lawson is an Army Careers Advisor based in central London. He has 28 years of Army experience and passionately promotes a life in the armed forces for anyone looking for expert training, high-quality education and adventure.

He said: “We’re here to give students a taste of Army life and to let them know what careers are available. You can train on a number of different construction trades from plumber, electrician, carpenter and plasterer, or as an engineer, mechanic, IT specialist, chef, communications technician, administrator and lots more. To add to the specialist training you gain, you will also learn to drive, travel abroad, undergo rigorous physical training, play sports and enrol into further and higher education programmes.

"Army life isn’t just about fighting and combat; it’s about culture, diversity, travel, social life, broadening your experience and knowledge and for maintaining a good level of physical fitness. It also gives you lots of confidence, teaches you self-discipline, respect, integrity, loyalty and self-commitment."

Keiron is studying a Public Services course and has ambitions to join the Infantry as a regular soldier. He says: “I’ve always wanted to join the Infantry and today I’ve learnt a lot more about it. The presentations were very informative and I’ve managed to talk to several Infantry soldiers about their experiences.”

Pelumi is also studying Public Services and would like to become an officer in the Royal Military Police. She said: “Today has been all about listening to the soldiers and taking part in practical activities. It’s been fun and enlightening. My course here at College has been excellent and I feel well-equipped to apply for the Army when I complete my studies. I can’t wait to join.”