Just six months ago, 19-year-old Charlotte Vaillant from Sanderstead was, along with her fellow Childcare Level 3 students, sent home to face four months of lockdown and asked to study remotely to complete her course.

Not knowing from day one whether or not she would see the inside of our Bromley Campus again or meet with her friends, the future seemed uncertain and she feared her ambitions of becoming a Norland Nanny could be in danger of being dashed.

However, through her own sheer determination to succeed and the help and support of her tutors, she remained focussed, attended every lesson and online tutorial keeping faith in her own abilities to achieve straight distinction grades (with one distinction-star). She then received the news she’d hoped for - confirmation she would be joining Norland College in September.

Completing her induction week at Norland, Charlotte said: “Along with everybody else, I was nervous about the immediate future when lockdown was announced and I wasn’t used to working from home or indeed online. Our tutors acted very quickly to move all of the teaching and learning online using Teams, Zoom, regular emails and within just a couple of short weeks everything was in place to proceed as normal. Being dyslexic meant I relied on the extra support from my teaches Manju and Doreen who made sure I continued to get that.

“My course at London South East Colleges was just brilliant from the outset. I have always wanted to work with children and I’d also love to travel and live abroad one day. Becoming a Norland Nanny will enable me to do this but there’s a long way to go. The standards here are set very high and you are put through a rigorous training programme designed to give you skills in children’s care, food and nutrition, child health, psychology, education, as well as the more unusual side of the profession; skid-pan driving, self-defence and anti-terrorism training. I know I’ll have to step up and face the challenges if I’m to qualify in four years' time, but I’m really looking forward to it.”

Head of Faculty for Health and Social Care and Early Years, Manju Khullar said: “Charlotte is the second student we have seen progress to Norland College recently and we all know she is going to do very well there. Her attendance and punctuality was nothing short of perfect and her work was of the highest possible standards. When she arrived at College straight from school, she was very quiet and a little nervous but during her course she grew and grew in confidence. Once again, we are very proud to see a student taking such a positive step and a giant leap towards the career of their choice. Well done Charlotte!”

If you think you have what it takes to become a child care, education and early years professional and would like to build a successful career in this sector, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our open events. Click here to learn more.

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