Deloittes and the Winning Team Teresa Riordan

Students were then tasked with increasing sustainability activities while reducing energy costs in a range of work settings. Deloitte volunteers worked collaboratively with students, generating some innovative solutions to sustainability challenges.

Students then presented their ideas to a judging panel comprising Deloitte and London South East Colleges staff, before receiving their certificates and one team being crowned winners.

Business student Jamie said "I thought today was really helpful - I feel like people from industry coming and talking to us gives us a better insight into how to get started on apprenticeships and the different options available to us."

Deloitte volunteer, Jacqueline Scott said "I just wanted to help and to give back to the students. I thought I might be able to share some of my experience and insight. The students were engaged and very communicative. The had brilliant and innovative ideas. Their presentation skills were impressive. I hope they enjoyed the experience and that it has increased their confidence (not that this was needed). I wish them all luck in their future careers."