Co-Founder and CEO, Michael Heywood and Art Director, Daniel Perez, at Included Games started the session by delving into 'how to show the personality of a gaming character using shape and colour', followed by 'the importance of having a recognisable silhouette'.

Michael Heywood, Co-Founder and CEO, Included Games, says: "Part of our mission is to make the industry more diverse and inclusive. We work with London South East Colleges to help students feel welcome in the industry, give them an idea of the opportunities that exist and give some insight into working in games for students who don't have friends or family in the industry already. We love what we do and enjoy sharing that with the students - seeing their enthusiasm and interest is really rewarding."

Daniel and Michael were both on hand to answer any questions from the students, and they left students with an employer brief as work experience for those interested in this aspect of the gaming industry. The feedback from students after the session was extremely positive.

"I found the talk informative and very good, especially design and shapes." - Olivia

"It has taught me things I didn't know and has inspired me." - Kacey

"I am really into drawing and found this a great session." - Tsunami

"As a person doing 3D artwork, I found it a great inspiration." - Jacob

Daniel Perez, Art Director, Included Games, says: "My passion for art and enthusiasm for gaming has been the leading factors for my career and current role. I hope the session helped the students develop their skills, and I look forward to delivering a session next year about backgrounds and environments."

Teresa Riordon, Student Placement Advisor, London South East College, says: "Included Games' support of our students is exceptional, we are very grateful to be able to work with companies like Included Games, who are willing to engage with and inspire our students. This was our second design masterclass, and we are already making plans for a new one next year."