Virtual Event Focused on Inclusive Employment in the Theatre Industry

On Thursday 14th March, London South East Colleges, in partnership with the Education & Training Foundation, held an online event to examine how theatres can become more inclusive in their employment practices.

The event showcased the amazing achievements of SEND students at the College and the success of its dedicated SEND department, with contributions from theatre employers, local authorities and SEND specialist organisations, to raise awareness, break down barriers and encourage employment opportunities for young people with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, in the theatre industry.

Combining a huge breadth of knowledge, experiences, expertise and best practice across the two hours, our audience of theatre staff, local authorities and SEND specialist schools, colleges and organisations, were given practical ideas and the necessary toolkit to improve inclusive employer practice in recruiting employees with SEND - as well as increasing meaningful job opportunities for them.

Our speakers:

Liz Lake, Group Director Strategic Projects and Partnerships LSEC welcomed delegates to the event, gave an overview of the aims and compered throughout.

Alex Duarte-Davies, Director Get into Theatre set the scene at the beginning and summed up by re-iterating the importance of strategic partnerships between theatres and their local schools and colleges; inclusive recruitment and continuing on the job support; good business sense - utilising the power of the 'purple pound', people with disabilities are more likely to spend their money where they feel welcome and included; small changes when combined make a huge difference.

Alex said, "We need to be open to new ways of working. Collaboration is how we start addressing and learning."

Emma McCaffrey, Actor and Get2gether ambassador was introduced to our project by Birds of Paradise, an award-winning disability-led theatre company based in Glasgow. She spoke about her experiences and work as an actor and ambassador.

Den Girbow, Lecturer SEND LSEC designed a Bromley Campus SEND performing arts showcase.

Clifford Galea, Curriculum Manager SEND LSEC explained about the training and how supported internships work here at LSEC, with case studies.

Catherine Hayward, Interim Head of Learning Engagement Leeds Heritage Theatre gave a comprehensive overview of collaborative projects with practical examples of how these have developed to offer an inclusive alternative but with the same level of industry experience.

Anna Ehnold-Danailova, Co-CEO and Creative Director PiPA (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts) gave practical advice on reasonable adjustments for inclusive working practices. PiPA is already working embed inclusive employment with many theatre companies.

Caroline Kandaya, Integration Hub Coordinator Local London explained models of best practice, inclusive working practices with signposting for training and financial support.

For further information on our partners for this project, please use the links below:

Education & Training Foundation

Get Into Theatre

Leeds Heritage Theatres

Local London