Princes Trust 3

Sheromie, Prince's Trust Team Leader at London South East Colleges, was nominated to attend the prestigious event, Saturday 6 May, in recognition of her dedication to her role within the Prince's Trust. Her students Emily Ton, Alfie Hooke, Naomi Spence, Joe Bradley, and Jo Poyner, who all successfully completed the Prince's Trust 12-week programme at the Orpington campus in April, were nominated by Sheromie to attend alongside her.

Sheromie says: "I am grateful to have been nominated by Princes Trust to represent Princes Trust Team programme around the UK. I was honoured to attend the Kings Coronation ceremony and celebrations along with being able to bring five of our Princes Trust team members to celebrate the momentous occasion which made the experience even more special. Truly unforgettable once in a lifetime experience."

Naomi Spence, Prince's Trust student, London South East Colleges. "An unparalleled opportunity, to witness history in the making - this day will forever be etched in my memory."

Sheromie and her students joined more exceptional leaders and their teams from Prince's Trust, St John Ambulance, Barnardo's, Scouts and Guides, at Lambeth Palace, the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, for breakfast - creating a sense of unity and pride.

They made their way to St. Margaret's Church, which stands adjacent to Westminster Abbey, the site of the Coronation service. Everyone remained silent in awe as they watched the crowning of the King and Queen on a large screen.

"Next door, there are 400 or more extraordinary young people in St Margaret's Church, whose lives speak of service," said the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, during his speech in Westminster Abbey.

Separated from the public, St Margaret's Church guests clutched and waved their flags enthusiastically as they formed a line along the route to greet the new King, Queen, and Royal Family. Just feet away from the procession, they were given a perfect view of horses and soldiers marching in synchrony whilst the bells rang throughout London.

The guests returned to Lambeth Palace for a celebration ceremony when the parade had finished, where the Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the room with a speech, sharing his reflections on the joyous occasion. He even agreed to a photograph - a lasting memento for our Prince's Trust team.

Prince's Trust student, Emily Ton, says: "I am really honoured to be able to have the chance to say that I have participated in an event that not many others can say they have experienced or will ever experience in their whole lives."

Alfie Hooke, Prince's Trust student, says: "The King's coronation is one of the most special and important events in history, giving this generation the opportunity to witness and be in close vicinity of the King, as well as instilling hope and meaning for us going forward."

"It was an honour to be part of such a historical and special day. Not many people can say they were invited to the King's coronation!" added, Prince's Trust student, Joachim Bradley.

Not only did our students leave with lasting memories, but they also received a coronation-themed tote bag full of mementos, including the ornate 'Order of Service' booklet which was given to the guests in Westminster Abbey and St Margaret's Church, a printed invitation, flags, badges, and a T-shirt.

A truly cherished and memorable day for Sheromie and her students.