With fantastic support from our partners at Durkan, Andersons and Wates our students have been able to showcase their pieces of work across plumbing, carpentry, electrical and brickwork. Our employer judges Steve, Kevin and Danielle spent two days marking the different pieces of work, as well as talking to students about their next moves into employment within the construction industry. Those that stood out and demonstrated their keenness were even offered work experience and trials.

This will be the first of many such events we run over the years ahead and we look forward to expanding the competition by involving more employers and training providers in order to enhance the opportunities for careers in construction.

Kevin O'Connor, Head of Social Responsibility and Inclusion at Durkan was impressed by the quality on show: "Durkan were delighted to support the MCA skills competition. It is really heartening to see the commitment of local construction students at LSEC who have managed to produce excellent work despite so much disruption to their learning. We look forward to building on our positive relationship with the LSEC teaching team to bring forward work placements and apprenticeship opportunities in 2021 and beyond."

Danielle Buckley, Community Investment manager at Wates talked about the benefits of these partnerships: "I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the students and seeing the great work they had produced. Our industry is always on the lookout for the next talent and the students we met yesterday would be an asset to have in the industry. I am really looking forward to continuing work with both the LSEC colleges and SE London Mayor's Construction Academy to support these young people with their future career aspirations." 

Related news: South East London MCA Hub hosts productive and frank virtual event for International Women’s Day 2021 

Related news: Supporting the next generation of construction experts 

Related news: The new Mayors Construction Academy Prospectus is available by clicking here. 

Related news: Please click here for more information about the MCA.