Maia, Isabel, Kara and Emma have been studying and working together as a team on the College’s very own TV channel ‘LSECTV’ for the past three years. Now, the four friends from south east London are preparing to take the next steps in their careers together. All have been successful in winning a place at one of the country’s most renowned digital media and design-focused university colleges this month.

Ravensbourne has an impressive reputation for innovative, industry-focused professional and higher education courses and is located on the Greenwich Peninsula in East London.

Maia, 19 from Erith will be studying for a BA (Hons) Editing and Post Production. She says: “I am so happy about winning a place at Ravensbourne and even more delighted that my friends will be there with me. We’ve all been very supportive of each other and it’s great to know that we will all be in the same creative environment together for another three years. I can’t wait to get started but it will be sad to leave the College.”

Kara, 17 from Belvedere will be joining Maia on the same course and is equally as eager to get started. She says: “I can’t thank the tutors and technicians here enough for what they have given me. Since I started the course I have achieved so much and gained enormous amounts of confidence from day one. I have had the opportunity to try lots of different roles and specialisms found in the creative media industry but I’ve finally decided that film and TV editing, sound and vision mixing is definitely the route for me. At Ravensbourne, I’ll be able to take another huge step forward and really fine tune my skills and professionalism.”

Isabel, 19 from Bexleyheath and Emma, 20 from Belvedere, will both be studying for a BA (Hons) Digital Television Production. Isabel says: “I have my sights set firmly on becoming a producer/director and screenwriter for TV dramas. I’d love to work on murder mysteries and whodunits. I’m a big fan of the work of Shonda Rhimes (the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal) and would love to achieve the kind of things she has done. London South East Colleges has given me the skills, the knowledge and, above all, the inspiration to go on from here and achieve everything I want to in life.”

Emma says: “I would like to become a producer of TV dramas and the course I am progressing to will give me the chance to do this. I love all of the BBC and ITV period dramas such as Poldark, Victoria and Downton Abbey and there is so much in our history for these kind of programmes to be popular for ever.

My course here at the College has really helped me with my confidence and self-esteem and has made me realise that I am definitely worthy of a job in the film and TV industry. I’ve also learnt good time management and self-discipline and have become so much more inquisitive and inspired. Working on the LSECTV project has been brilliant.”

Keith Denham is the Media Technician at our Bexley Campus and works closely with all of the creative media students. He says: “Each year, we send our students off to a range of top quality universities and colleges specialising in the media. This year is no exception. By giving students the opportunity to work on their own TV channel we are equipping them with the practical ‘hands-on’ skills that you can’t get by simply studying the subject at A level. Maia, Kara, Isabel and Emma were prime candidates to get into Ravensbourne due to the fantastic portfolios they have built up over two years. Needless to say, we are all very proud of them and wish them all the best for their future. I have no doubts they will all be successful.”

If you think you have what it takes to become a media professional or build a successful career in the creative industries, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our open events during June and July. Click here to learn more.

In the news: These budding media stars have won a place at the prestigious Ravensbourne college (Bexley Times)

In the news: Meet the Ravensbourne girls (AoC