Donations of Easter Eggs and goodie bags for hiding around the ward and goodie bags were needed and the students sprang into action immediately. They set up collection stations at each of the College’s campuses and sent out messages to all staff and students attending the sites to donate chocolate eggs and other Easter delights. The response was overwhelming.

They collected 161 chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies as well as handmade Easter bags, 40 flags of handmade bunting, 14 soft and wind-up toys for those unable to eat chocolate, 60 anxiety wish bracelets (handmade by members of the team) and ‘help yourself’ leaflets with strategies for combatting anxiety.

Prince’s Trust Team Leader, Jane Myles said: "I think it's a really big achievement considering that we only really started to mobilise just a week before the Easter holidays. This project has been extraordinary considering the small amount of time the students have been allowed back on campus due to the latest lockdown. It has been a very difficult time for them recently keeping themselves motivated and engaged, and on returning to face-to-face learning just two week ago, they needed something to lift their own spirits, as well as those of others. I’m immensely proud of the team and impressed by their enthusiasm and perseverance, belief and tenacity in making this project such a success. Not only will the children on the ward get a fabulous treat this Easter, but our students will receive a huge boost to their confidence and a tremendous sense of achievement and satisfaction. Well done to them all."