On 21 December, we celebrated the personal experiences and team achievements of 'Team NRG'. Family, friends and Prince's Trust Ambassadors and supporters joined us in the Lecture Theatre for the presentation. Unfortunately, Actor and Prince's Trust Celebrity Ambassador, Colin Salmon, couldn't make it due to personal circumstances so David Williams, Youth Development Lead, Prince's Trust, presented the team with their certificates.

Dylan Pankhurst, Prince's Trust student, says: "At the start of the course, I was anxious, nervous, not so talkative, and also completely afraid of standing in front of people and talking. I have presented several times throughout the course, and it's helped me to develop my skills."

Since joining the programme, the students have participated in numerous workshops to develop their life skills - including a money management workshop with Natwest and a presentation workshop with Amazon, mock interviews, and even completed a First Aid course. The team also visited Westminster Abbey for the 'World of Work' tour which was the first in three years since the first lockdown.

Reggie Walton, Prince's Trust student, added: "I definitely know how to manage my money better now. I'd recommend this course to anyone who feels lost or unsure of what they want in life."

The intensive course offers exciting challenges to build skills and gain valuable work experience. Each student detailed their course highlights and delved into the details around their work placements, expressing the long-term benefits.

Throughout the programme, the team raised £320 for Bromley Homeless Shelter and provided care packages for local food banks - promoting positivity in the community throughout the programme.

Sheromie Brewster, Prince's Trust Team Leader, London South East Colleges, says: "I am so proud of the team. Their end-of-term presentation was a true reflection of what they all have achieved over the programme. A true pleasure to work with them all and those that support the Princes Trust Team Programme. It's not the end, only the beginning of what they want to achieve next with all our ongoing support."

Colin Salmon left the students a voice message: "I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you today. I have been working with Prince's Trust for about 25 years, and there's a reason for that - I've seen the results. You guys are in a great position to go forward with your lives. We are here, and we will back you, we all want you to succeed. Enjoy today and enjoy each other's company and keep in touch with each other. If you hit any walls, don't worry, you will bounce back. 2023 looks like it's going to be extraordinary in many ways. Onwards and upwards, much love."

Congratulations to our Prince's Trust students, we wish you all the best of luck in your next steps. We look forward to welcoming our new Prince's Trust students starting the course in January.

Not only does the programme offer the chance to make new friends and make a difference in the local community - it is a nationally-recognised qualification.

Get on course - Princes Trust Programme.