Sarah says: “A couple of years ago, I decided to set my sights on a change of career. I did work as a Childminder, and although I loved the work, I needed a new challenge and a new set of career goals. I have now landed my ideal job as a Project Coordinator for PACEY and work in their Communications Department. I’m finding that I use a lot of the skills I learnt on both my English and Maths GCSE courses.

“After leaving school without any qualifications, I enrolled here to get my GCSEs in English and Maths after quite a lengthy period of being out of the education system. I did so in order to qualify for higher courses and more advanced employment possibilities. I really enjoyed both subjects and learnt an awful lot, especially in Maths. I never thought I’d be able to achieve particularly highly with anything mathematical but because of a very good tutor who explained things really well, I was confident of getting good grades in my exams. I received a grade C in Maths and I’m particularly proud of my grade A* in English.

"My advice to anyone who is without these core qualifications would be to seriously consider having another go at getting them. These days, just having good grades in English and Maths on your CV can help to open more doors for you when applying for higher education courses and jobs. I doubt I’d have managed to make the changes I did without them. Thank you to my excellent tutors for the amazing teaching, encouragement and support throughout."

If you are already a student at London South East Colleges, our English and Maths Hubs are open all day, five days a week at each of our campuses. You can book an appointment to see a tutor, or drop in any time to self-study and use the facilities. Your communication and calculation skills are a vital part of your development and crucial if you want to move on into university or a career of your choice. The tutors are here to help and guide you. Don’t miss out, visit us today to find out how we can help you.

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