As well as learning more about the UK political system, the group found out what it is like to work in Parliament. They talked to House of Commons staff, the police and an MP about the various roles and responsibilities.

The students also had the opportunity to sit in on a live debate in the Commons. This was about defence and included discussion on finance and troop deployment.

Interim Head of Department for Sport, Public Services and Travel, Mark Tsoukala, arranged the trip and accompanied the students. He said:

“This was a very interesting visit for the students and really helped develop their understanding of how Parliament works. We were lucky enough to meet Beckenham MP Bob Stewart, who talked to the students for some time about his job and the role of MPs.

“The group really enjoyed the day and it gave them some excellent insight into a range of career opportunities as well as learning more about our political system.”

Public Services student, Myles Martina (16) said:

“This was such an interesting trip for me. I enjoyed seeing how Parliament really works and learning more about its history and tradition.

“It was also great to meet a local MP and hear more about the work they do. I may well consider going into politics and this was a great introduction for me.”